Shaking Things Up – Early Mornings


Hello again, Happy Exhaustion!!
I’m sorry that I’ve been away so long. I missed you.
2016 did its level best to kill me, but I’m back and stronger than ever.
Did you think that maybe I had fallen into the terrible trap so many Biggest Losers land in? The abandonment of fitness for a return to self-medicating numbness? Another disappointing ‘and then she gained it all back’ story?
Nope! Still here. So help me, they will pry my size 4 jeans from my cold, dead hands.
Actually, my blogging absence for the past few months has been due to growing Happy Exhaustion into a business!
I am now the proud co-owner (together with my baby daddy – badass fitness ninja & author of the Group Fitness certification for the ISSA) of BioFit Philly. In this new chapter I’m able to make everything that has fueled the successes of my own fitness journey available to the public.
Along with my nutrition and lifestyle coaching, we do biometric testing (Body Composition, VO2 Max, and Resting Metabolic Rate).
The data we collect allows us to hammer down our clients’ most delicious and efficient paths to peak personal wellness. And I’m now able to do coaching with anyone, anywhere!
I’m thrilled to report that since making this announcement on the Happy Exhaustion Facebook page, I have finally been able to virtually meet some of you! We’re having incredible successes, exploring all of the manageable tweaks that can be made to fit each uniquely personal rhythm.
Which brings me to the blog post of the day – my own personal rhythm.
Most of you know that I don’t recommend anything to clients that I haven’t first beta tested on myself.
I’ve done the Master Cleanse, I’ve gone vegan, I even dabbled in Tracey Anderson. If you want my opinion on something I’ve never tried, I’ll ask you to please standby while I first walk through it myself.
The *one* thing that has always been A Bridge Too Far was a pre-dawn workout. Never have I ever been a morning person.
Since discovering fitness I’ve worked with lots of people who start their days at the gym.
Not me. Do those people have a screw loose?
I’ve always worked out during afternoon and evening hours.
Well, since opening BioFit Philly and adapting to that business-owner hustle, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to cram my workouts into my new work/life rhythm.
And Happy Exhaustion without the endorphins? That’s just Exhaustion minus the Happy.
So, today I did the damn thing.
I set my alarm an hour earlier than usual and kept my date with my old flame Shaun T.
I haven’t done Insanity in AGES, but when workouts need to be done at home while the kids are still asleep, there’s nothing more effective at whooping my behind than my man Shaun yelling at me to DIG DEEPER!
Having never attempted a pre-coffee workout before in my life, I was not at all sure I’d survive, let alone smoke my workout. But there I was – rattling the rafters with plyo before my kids got out of bed.
And I didn’t even die at all! I worked up a mean sweat, showered it off, and got those endorphins pumping before I really started the day.
Kind of astonishing.
I’m not at all sure I’ll ever *actually* be a morning person. I love that night life.
BUT… this rhythm shift just might work!
So the next time you’re thinking about flipping the script on yourself and questioning whether or not you’re cut out for such hecticness – give it a chance!
Maybe it won’t be your flavor and you’ll decide the nutritional strategy/fitness craze/time of day is not for you. It’s ok if it’s not. I never want you pushing yourself in a way you have no wish or will to maintain.
But maybe you’ll discover (once again) that you’re far more capable than you knew.
Don’t accept “can’t” without first giving “try” a chance.
Hope to see you soon!
– Katey

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